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Systémy organizace znalostí podle typu, hierarchicky seskupené (Dílo -> Vyjádření -> Provedení)

Dílo Describing scholarly works with Dublin Core: a functional approach (2008)

Dílo Developing a meta model for the Bunge-Wand-Weber ontological constructs (2002)

Dílo Developing a new thesaurus for art and architecture (1990)

Dílo Development of the Getty Vocabularies: AAT, TGN, ULAN, and CONA (2010)

Dílo Devising a framework for assessing the subjectivity and objectivity of information taxonomy projects (2014)

Dílo Dewey Decimal Classification (1876)

Dílo Dewey decimal classification (DDC) (2010)

Dílo Dewey Decimal Classification, Universal Decimal Classification, and the Broad System of Ordering: the evolution of universal ordering systems (1976)

Dílo Dewey deracialized: a critical race-theoretic perspective (2007)

Dílo Dictionary of food science and technology (2005)
