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Seznam provedení

Provedení Autor
Provedení Knowledge organization: an epistemological perspective (2004) Zins, Chaim
Provedení Knowledge organization: its scope and possibilities (1993) Dahlberg, Ingetraut
Provedení Knowledge profiling: the basis for knowledge organization (2004) Thellefsen, Torkild Leo
Provedení Knowledge representation (2006) Zarri, Gian Piero
Provedení Knowledge representation in the social semantic Web (2010) Weller, Katrin
Provedení Knowledge representation: concept, techniques and the analytico-synthetic paradigm (2001) Binwal, J. C. (Jagdish Chandra)
Provedení Knowledge representation: logical, philosophical, and computational foundations (2000) Sowa, John F.
Provedení Knowledge structures and the Internet (1997) International Federation for Documentation, Williamson, Nancy Joyce
Provedení Knowledge structures and the Internet: progress and prospects (2007) Williamson, Nancy Joyce
Provedení Knowledge: tacit and explicit (2010)
Provedení Known orders: unusual locators in indexes (2007) Weinberg, Bella Hass
Provedení Kódy pro názvy jazyků – Část 1: Dvoupísmenný kód (2003) International Organization for Standardization, International Organization for Standardization. Technical committee 37 Terminology and other language and content resources. Subcommittee 2 Terminographical and lexicographical working methods, Český normalizační institut, Vlková, Věra
Provedení Konceptuální modely v katalogizační teorii (2010) Drobíková, Barbora
Provedení KOSO: A reference ontology for reuse of existing knowledge organization systems (2008) Weller, Katrin
Provedení Kulturní dědictví, digitalizace a sémantický web (2003) Uhlíř, Zdeněk
Provedení Kurs obecné lingvistiky (1989) Čermák, František, Saussure, Ferdinand de, De Mauro, Tullio
Provedení Kvantitativní lingvistika (1987) Těšitelová, Marie
Provedení Language, logic and ontology: uncovering the structure of commonsense knowledge (2007) Saba, Walid S. (Walid Shaker)
Provedení Lateral relationships in multicultural, multilingual databases in the spiritual and religious domains: the OM Information Service (2011) Neelameghan, Arashanapalai
Provedení Lexikon a sémantika (2010)
Provedení Library classification: an essay in terminology (2000) Satija, M. P. (Mohinder Partap)
Provedení Library of Congress Classification (LCC) (2010)
Provedení Library of Congress Classification - LC Linked Data Service (Library of Congress) (2012) Library of Congress
Provedení Library of Congress Classification PDF files (2015) Library of Congress. Cataloging Distribution Service
Provedení Library of Congress Names (2014) Library of Congress
Provedení Library of Congress Subject Headings (1975) Library of Congress, Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Division
Provedení Library of Congress Subject Headings (2014) Library of Congress
Provedení Library research models: a guide to classification, cataloguing, and computers (1993) Mann, Thomas (Thomas William)
Provedení Likeness between Ranganathan's postulations based approach to knowledge classification and entity relationship data modelling approach (2003) Kashyap, Madan Mohan
Provedení Linguistics and information theory: analytic advantages (2007) Warner, Julian
