Provedení Information architecture: designing information environments for purpose (2004) |
Gilchrist, Alan, Mahon, Barry |
Provedení Information extraction in the Web era: natural language communication for knowledge acquisition and intelligent information agents (2003) |
Pazienza, Maria Teresa |
Provedení Information extraction: algorithms and prospects in a retrieval context (2006) |
Moens, Marie-Francine |
Provedení Information extraction: towards scalable, adaptable systems (1999) |
Pazienza, Maria Teresa |
Provedení Information organization and the philosophy of history (2013) |
Shaw, Ryan |
Provedení Information processing systems - Concepts and terminology for the conceptual schema and the information base (1987) |
Provedení Information retrieval (IR) and the paradox of change: an analysis using the philosophy of Parmenides (2012) |
Thornley, Clare V. |
Provedení Information retrieval and the philosophy of language (1992) |
Blair, David Clark |
Provedení Information retrieval and the philosophy of language (2003) |
Blair, David Clark |
Provedení Information seeking and subject representation: an activity-theoretical approach to information science (1997) |
Hjørland, Birger |
Provedení Information structure management: a unified framework for indexing and searching in database, expert, information-retrieval, and hypermedia systems (1994) |
Soergel, Dagobert |
Provedení Information technology – Object Management Group Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) - Knowledge Discovery Meta-Model (KDM) (2012) |
Provedení Information, systems and information systems: making sense of the field (1998) |
Checkland, Peter Bernard, Holwell, Sue |
Provedení Informationswissenschaft: Zur Begründung einer eigenständigen Wissenschaft und zur Grundlegung eines autonomen Bereiches „Informationswissenschaften“ (1971) |
Diemer, Alwin |
Provedení Inhaltsanalyse: Einführung in Theorie, Methode und Praxis (1995) |
Merten, Klaus |
Provedení INIS multilingual thesaurus (2014) |
International Nuclear Information System, Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii, Energy Technology Data Exchange |
Provedení INIS thesaurus (1970) |
International Nuclear Information System, Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii |
Provedení INIS/ETDE thesaurus (2014) |
International Nuclear Information System, Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii, Energy Technology Data Exchange |
Provedení INIS: Subject categories and scope descriptions (1970) |
International Nuclear Information System, Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii |
Provedení INSPEC classification (2012) |
Information Service for Physics, Electrotechnology and Control, Institution of Engineering and Technology |
Provedení INSPEC classification: a classification scheme for physics, electrotechnology, computers and control (1973) |
Field, Barry James, Institution of Electrical Engineers, Information Service for Physics, Electrotechnology and Control |
Provedení INSPEC thesaurus (2012) |
Information Service for Physics, Electrotechnology and Control, Institution of Engineering and Technology |
Provedení INSPEC thesaurus: thesaurus of terms for physics, electrotechnology, computers and control (1973) |
Field, Barry James, Institution of Electrical Engineers, Information Service for Physics, Electrotechnology and Control |
Provedení Inteligence systémů zpracování textů (2000) |
Jonák, Zdeněk |
Provedení Inteligenčné indexovanie a inteligenčné klasifikácie (1994) |
Provedení Inteligentní nástroje pro práci s texty na Internetu (1998) |
Jonák, Zdeněk |
Provedení Interdisciplinarity and the classification of scholarly documents by phenomena, theories, and methods (2007) |
Szostak, Rick |
Provedení International classification for standards (2005) |
International Organization for Standardization |
Provedení International organisation and dissemination of knowledge: selected essays of Paul Otlet (1990) |
Provedení International patent classification (IPC) = Classification internationale des brevets (CIB) (1994) |
World Intellectual Property Organization, Carl Heymanns Verlag |