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Seznam provedení

Provedení Autor
Provedení The ubiquitous hierarchy: an army to overcome the threat of a mob (2004) Olson, Hope A.
Provedení The universe of information: the work of Paul Otlet for documentation and international organisation (1975) Rayward, W. Boyd
Provedení The use of faceted analytico-synthtetic theory as revealed in the practice of website construction and design (2006) La Barre, Kathryn
Provedení The vocabulary problem in human-system communication (1987) Furnas, George W., Landauer, Thomas K., Gomez, Louis M ., Dumais, Susan T.
Provedení The ‘‘Amherst method’’: the origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme (1998) Wiegand, Wayne August
Provedení Theaitétos (2007) Novotný, František
Provedení Theories of knowledge organization – theories of knowledge (2013) Hjørland, Birger
Provedení Theories of terminology: their description, prescription and explanation (2003) Cabré Castellví, Maria Teresa
Provedení Theory of library classification (1979) Buchanan, Brian
Provedení Thesaural relationships (2011) Clarke, Stella G. Dextre
Provedení Thesauri and facets and tags, oh my! A look at three decades in subject analysis (2008) Schwartz, Candy
Provedení Thesauri, taxonomies and ontologies – an etymological note (2003) Gilchrist, Alan
Provedení Thesaurofacet: a thesaurus and faceted classification for engineering and related subjects (1969)
Provedení Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual (1997) Aslib
Provedení Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual (2000) Aslib
Provedení Thesaurus construction: Welcome to the introductory tutorial on thesaurus construction (1997) Craven, Timothy C. (Timothy Courtenay)
Provedení Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors (1967) Educational Research Information Center (Spojené státy americké), Spojené státy americké. Government Printing Office
Provedení Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors (1995) Educational Research Information Center (Spojené státy americké), Houston, James E., Barnett, Lynn, Oryx Press, Colby, Anita Y.
Provedení Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors (2001) Educational Research Information Center (Spojené státy americké), Houston, James E., Oryx Press
Provedení Thesaurus of geographic names (2014) J. Paul Getty Trust
Provedení Thesaurus of psychological index terms (1974) American Psychological Association, Kinkade, Robert G.
Provedení Thesaurus of psychological index terms (2007) American Psychological Association, Tuleya, Lisa Gallagher
Provedení Thesaurus of psychological index terms (2007) American Psychological Association, Tuleya, Lisa Gallagher
Provedení Thesaurus of sociological indexing terms (1986) Colby, Anita Y., Booth, Barbara, Sociological Abstracts, Inc.
Provedení Thesaurus of sociological indexing terms (2003) ProQuest CSA (firma), Booth, Barbara, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Inc., ProQuest (firma)
Provedení Thesaurus standards on a converging track (2010) Clarke, Stella G. Dextre
Provedení Thoughts on the relationship of knowledge organization to knowledge management (2007) Kasten, Joseph
Provedení Topic Maps in knowledge organization (2003) Sigel, Alexander
Provedení Topical relevance relationships. I., Why topic matching fails (1995) Green, Rebecca
Provedení Topical relevance relationships. II., An exploratory study and preliminary typology (1995) Green, Rebecca, Bean, Carol A.
