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Seznam provedení

Provedení Autor
Provedení The epistemological foundations of knowledge representation (2004)
Provedení The expression of conceptual syntagmatic relationships: a comparative survey study (1995) Green, Rebecca
Provedení The fall and rise of knowledge organization: new dimensions of subject description and retrieval (2010) Broughton, Vanda
Provedení The foundation of the concept of relevance (2010) Hjørland, Birger
Provedení The FRBR family of conceptual models: toward a linked bibliographic future (2013) Smiraglia, Richard P., Žumer, Maja, Riva, Pat
Provedení The future of classification in libraries and networks, a theoretical point of view (1995) Dahlberg, Ingetraut
Provedení The heritage of early FC in document reference retrieval systems, 1920 – 1969 (2007) La Barre, Kathryn
Provedení The high cost of not finding information (2004) Feldman, Susan
Provedení The importance of theories of knowledge: browsing as an example (2011) Hjørland, Birger
Provedení The importance of theories of knowledge: indexing and information retrieval as an example (2011) Hjørland, Birger
Provedení The influence of mathematics on the classificatory thought of S. R. Ranganathan (1997) Miksa, Francis L. (Louis)
Provedení The Information coding classification (ICC): a modern, theory-based fully-faceted, universal system of knowledge fields (2008) Dahlberg, Ingetraut
Provedení The intellectual foundation of information organization (2000)
Provedení The key role of classification and indexing in view-based searching (1997) Pollitt, Arthur Steven
Provedení The key role of classification and indexing in view-based searching (1998) Pollitt, Arthur Steven
Provedení The knowledge level (1982) Newell, Allen
Provedení The knowledge-creating company: how Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation (1995) Nonaka, Ikujiro, Takeuchi, Hirotaka
Provedení The last 50 years of knowledge organization: a journey through my personal archives (2008) Clarke, Stella G. Dextre
Provedení The last 50 years of knowledge organization: a journey through my personal archives (2009) Clarke, Stella G. Dextre
Provedení The meaning of a word (1979) Austin, John Langshaw
Provedení The meaning of meaning: a study of the influence of language upon thought and of the science of symbolism (1923) Ogden, Charles Kay, Richards, Ivor Armstrong
Provedení The modernity of classification (2011) Mai, Jens-Erik
Provedení The nature of indexing: how humans and machines analyze messages and texts for retrieval. Part 1: Research, and the nature of human indexing (2001) Anderson, James Doig, Pérez-Carballo, José
Provedení The nature of indexing: how humans and machines analyze messages and texts for retrieval. Part 2: Machine indexing, and the allocation of human versus machine effort (2001) Anderson, James Doig, Pérez-Carballo, José
Provedení The need for a faceted classification as the basis of all methods of information retrieval (2006)
Provedení The notion of “category”: its implications in subject analysis and in the construction and evaluation of indexing languages (2000) Barité, Mario
Provedení The Orange report ISO TR9007 (1982-1987): grandparent of the business rules approach and SBVR. Part 1, History of the ISO TC97/SC5/WG3 Working Group (2009) Griethuysen, Joost J. van
Provedení The Orange report ISO TR9007 (1982-1987): grandparent of the business rules approach and SBVR. Part 2, The seven very fundamental principles (2009) Griethuysen, Joost J. van
Provedení The Orange report ISO TR9007 (1982-1987): grandparent of the business rules approach and SBVR. Part 3, The basic facts (2009) Griethuysen, Joost J. van
Provedení The Orange report ISO TR9007 (1982-1987): grandparent of the business rules approach and SBVR. Part 4, Modelling approaches (2009) Griethuysen, Joost J. van
