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Seznam děl

Dílo Autor
Dílo RAMEAU (système d'indexation) (2014) Bibliothèque nationale de France
Dílo Ranganathan and the Net: using facet analysis to search and organise the World Wide Web (1999)
Dílo RDA vocabularies for a twenty-first-century data environment (2010) Coyle, Karen
Dílo Reengineering thesauri for new applications: the AGROVOC example (2004)
Dílo Referenční výstavba textu (1988)
Dílo Reflections on the knowledge level (1993)
Dílo Relational semantics in thesauri: some remarks at theoretical and practical levels (2007)
Dílo Relationships among knowledge structures: vocabulary integration within a subject domain (2011) Bean, Carol A., Bodenreider, Olivier
Dílo Relationships in classificatory structure and meaning (2011) Beghtol, Clare
Dílo Relationships in knowledge organization (2008) Green, Rebecca
Dílo Relationships in Library of Congress Subject Headings (2011)
Dílo Relationships in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) (2011)
Dílo Relationships in multilingual thesauri (2011)
Dílo Relationships in Ranganathan’s Colon Classification (2011) Satija, M. P. (Mohinder Partap)
Dílo Relationships in the Dewey Decimal Classification (2011)
Dílo Relationships in the organization of knowledge (2001)
Dílo Relationships in the organization of knowledge: an overview (2011)
Dílo Relators codes (BNF, LOD) (2011) Bibliothèque nationale de France
Dílo Relators codes (LC, LOD) (2011)
Dílo Relevance relationships (2011) Green, Rebecca, Bean, Carol A.
Dílo Relevance: language, semantics, philosophy (2004) Budd, John M.
Dílo Report: Compendex/Special Indexing/Ei Thesaurus (2012) Wolka, Dan
Dílo Representing and reasoning over a taxonomy of part-whole relations (2008)
Dílo Representing part-whole relations in conceptual modeling: an empirical evaluation (2008)
Dílo Representing the FR family in the Semantic Web (2012) Dunsire, Gordon
Dílo Reprezentace znalostí (1993) Zdráhal, Zdeněk
Dílo Reprezentácia poznania ako metodológia výstavby informačných procesov (1990) Steinerová, Jela
Dílo Research Area (Web of Science) (2014)
Dílo Review: knowledge management and knowledge management systems: conceptual foundations and research issues (2001) Alavi, Maryam, Leidner, Dorothy E.
Dílo Revisiting classification for retrieval (2005)
