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Znalostní báze pro obor organizace informací a znalostí
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Prohlížení podle faset
Faseta 1: předmět
Faseta 2: nástroje
Faseta 3: metody
Faseta 4: formáty
Faseta 5: agenti
Faseta 6: hlediska
Faseta 7: činnosti
Faseta 8: vztahy
Faseta 9: vlastnosti
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Prohlížení podle typu systému organizace znalostí
Systémy organizace znalostí podle typu
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1122-1151 (Print), 1572-8390 (Online)
Provedení Faceted classification for the web (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení Faceted classification for the web (2008)
Provedení Faceted thesauri (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení Faceted thesauri (2008)
Provedení Faceted classification: management and use (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení Faceted classification: management and use (2008)
Provedení Facet-like structures in computer science (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení Facet-like structures in computer science (2008)
Provedení Facet analysis in the development of a general controlled vocabulary (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení Facet analysis in the development of a general controlled vocabulary (2008)
Provedení Categories and facets in integrative levels (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení Categories and facets in integrative levels (2008)
Provedení The Information coding classification (ICC): a modern, theory-based fully-faceted, universal system of knowledge fields (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení The Information coding classification (ICC): a modern, theory-based fully-faceted, universal system of knowledge fields (2008)
Provedení A faceted classification as the basis of a faceted terminology: conversion of a classified structure to thesaurus format in the Bliss Bibliographic Classification, 2nd edition (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení A faceted classification as the basis of a faceted terminology: conversion of a classified structure to thesaurus format in the Bliss Bibliographic Classification, 2nd edition (2008)
Provedení From the universe of knowledge to the universe of concepts: the structural revolution in classification for information retrieval (2008)
Číst dál
Provedení From the universe of knowledge to the universe of concepts: the structural revolution in classification for information retrieval (2008)