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Journal of the American Society for Information Science
0002-8231 (Print), 1097-4571 (Online)
Provedení The rise of ontologies or the reinvention of classification (1999)
Číst dál
Provedení The rise of ontologies or the reinvention of classification (1999)
Provedení Visions of Xanadu: Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and hypertext (1994)
Číst dál
Provedení Visions of Xanadu: Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and hypertext (1994)
Provedení On indexing, retrieval and the meaning of about (1977)
Číst dál
Provedení On indexing, retrieval and the meaning of about (1977)
Provedení Origins of coordinate searching (1997)
Číst dál
Provedení Origins of coordinate searching (1997)
Provedení Topical relevance relationships. II., An exploratory study and preliminary typology (1995)
Číst dál
Provedení Topical relevance relationships. II., An exploratory study and preliminary typology (1995)
Provedení Topical relevance relationships. I., Why topic matching fails (1995)
Číst dál
Provedení Topical relevance relationships. I., Why topic matching fails (1995)
Provedení Aboutness from a commonsense perspective (2000)
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Provedení Aboutness from a commonsense perspective (2000)
Provedení Domain analysis, literary warrant, and consensus: the case of fiction studies (1995)
Číst dál
Provedení Domain analysis, literary warrant, and consensus: the case of fiction studies (1995)