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Znalostní báze pro obor organizace informací a znalostí
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Slovní popis česky:
Problematika Internetu. Metadata. Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Slovní popis anglicky:
Problems Concerning the Internet. Metadata. Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Viz též 945
Odkaz do bibliografie KO Literature:
Dílo Semantic interoperability and metadata quality: an analysis of metadata item records of digital image collections (2006)
Číst dál
Dílo Semantic interoperability and metadata quality: an analysis of metadata item records of digital image collections (2006)
Dílo Mapping people-centered properties for linked open data (2011)
Číst dál
Dílo Mapping people-centered properties for linked open data (2011)
Dílo Analysis and synthesis of metadata goals for scientific data (2012)
Číst dál
Dílo Analysis and synthesis of metadata goals for scientific data (2012)
Dílo Knowledge is power: a view from the semantic web (2005)
Číst dál
Dílo Knowledge is power: a view from the semantic web (2005)
Dílo Networked knowledge representation and exchange using UML and RDF (2001)
Číst dál
Dílo Networked knowledge representation and exchange using UML and RDF (2001)
Dílo Metadata interoperability and standardization – a study of methodology. Part II, achieving interoperability at the record and repository levels (2006)
Číst dál
Dílo Metadata interoperability and standardization – a study of methodology. Part II, achieving interoperability at the record and repository levels (2006)
Dílo Is FAST the right direction for a new system of subject cataloging and metadata? (2008)
Číst dál
Dílo Is FAST the right direction for a new system of subject cataloging and metadata? (2008)
Dílo Terminology registry scoping study (TRSS): Final report (2008)
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Dílo Terminology registry scoping study (TRSS): Final report (2008)
Dílo Metadata interoperability and standardization – a study of methodology. Part I, Achieving interoperability at the schema level (2006)
Číst dál
Dílo Metadata interoperability and standardization – a study of methodology. Part I, Achieving interoperability at the schema level (2006)
Dílo Information architecture for the World Wide Web: designing large-scale web sites (2007)
Číst dál
Dílo Information architecture for the World Wide Web: designing large-scale web sites (2007)
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