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Seznam děl

Dílo Autor
Dílo The role of classification in knowledge representation and discovery (1999)
Dílo The role of logic and ontology in language and reasoning (2010)
Dílo The self and its brain (1977)
Dílo The semantic web revisited (2006) Berners-Lee, Tim, Shadbolt, Nigel, Hall, Wendy
Dílo The Semantic Web: a new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities (2001) Hendler, James A., Berners-Lee, Tim, Lassila, Ora
Dílo The state of the art on semantic IS standardization, interoperability & quality (2011)
Dílo The study of thesaural relationships from a semantic point of view (2012) Mehrad, J., Ahmadinasab, F.
Dílo The subject approach to information (1996) Foskett, Anthony Charles
Dílo The subject indexing process: an investigation of problems in knowledge representation (2000)
Dílo The tacit dimension (1967)
Dílo The TAO of topic maps: finding the way in the age of infoglut (2000)
Dílo The theory and practice of the Dewey decimal classification system (2007)
Dílo The theory of conceptual models, the theory of conceptual modelling and foundations of conceptual modelling (2011)
Dílo The theory underlying concept maps and how to construct and use them (2008)
Dílo The thesaurus: review, renaissance, and revision (2004) Roe, Sandra K., Thomas, Alan Robert
Dílo The ubiquitous hierarchy: an army to overcome the threat of a mob (2004)
Dílo The universe of information: the work of Paul Otlet for documentation and international organisation (1975)
Dílo The use of faceted analytico-synthtetic theory as revealed in the practice of website construction and design (2006) La Barre, Kathryn
Dílo The vocabulary problem in human-system communication (1987)
Dílo The ‘‘Amherst method’’: the origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme (1998)
Dílo Theaitétos (2007)
Dílo Theories of knowledge organization – theories of knowledge (2013) Hjørland, Birger
Dílo Theories of terminology: their description, prescription and explanation (2003) Cabré Castellví, Maria Teresa
Dílo Theory of library classification (1979) Buchanan, Brian
Dílo Thesaural relationships (2011) Clarke, Stella G. Dextre
Dílo Thesauri and facets and tags, oh my! A look at three decades in subject analysis (2008)
Dílo Thesauri, taxonomies and ontologies – an etymological note (2003)
Dílo Thesaurofacet: a thesaurus and faceted classification for engineering and related subjects (1969) Aitchison, Jean, Ireland, Ralph, Gomersall, Alan
Dílo Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual (1972) Bawden, David, Gilchrist, Alan, Aitchison, Jean
Dílo Thesaurus construction: Welcome to the introductory tutorial on thesaurus construction (1997) Craven, Timothy C. (Timothy Courtenay)
