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Provedení That IS-IN isn't IS-A: a further analysis of taxonomic links in conceptual modelling (2012)

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That IS-IN isn't IS-A: a further analysis of taxonomic links in conceptual modelling
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Bibliografický záznam (podle ČSN ISO 690): 

PALOMÄKI, Jari, KANGASSALO, Hannu. That IS-IN isn't IS-A: a further analysis of taxonomic links in conceptual modelling. In: Advances in knowledge representation. Edited by Carlos RAMÍREZ GUTIÉRREZ. Rijeka (Chorvatsko): InTech, 2012 [cit. 2013-07-19], chapter 1, s. 1-18. doi:10.5772/36484. ISBN 978-953-51-0597-8. ISBN 953 51-0597-3.

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