DZBOR, Martin, MOTTA, Enrico. Engineering and customizing ontologies: The human-computer challenge in ontology engineering. In: Ontology management: Semantic Web, Semantic Web services, and business applications. Martin HEPP, Pieter De LEENHEER, Aldo de MOOR, York SURE, ed. New York: Springer, 2007, chap. 2, s. 25-57. Semantic web and beyond: computing for human experience, vol. 7. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-69900-4_2. ISBN 978-0-387-69899-1 (Print). ISBN 0-387-69899-X (Print). ISBN 978-0-387-69900-4 (Online). ISBN 0-387-69900-7 (Online).
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