Jste zde

Systémy organizace znalostí podle typu, hierarchicky seskupené (Dílo -> Vyjádření -> Provedení)

Dílo Introduction to controlled vocabularies: terminology for art, architecture, and other cultural works (2010)

Dílo Introduction to indexing and abstracting (2001)

Dílo Introduction to indexing and abstracting (2013)

Dílo Introduction to metadata (2008)

Dílo Introduction to the organization of information (2012)

Dílo Irrepressible reformer: biography of Melvil Dewey (1996)

Dílo Is classification necessary after Google? (2012)

Dílo Is FAST the right direction for a new system of subject cataloging and metadata? (2008)

Dílo Is there a role for traditional knowledge organization systems in the digital age? (2004)

Dílo ISKO 12 (2013)
